Albania trains, railway stations, train tickets, railway map
If you are looking for trains in Albania, railway stations in Albania, train tickets for Albania and a railway map, this blog post will give you all the information you need.
Are there any trains in Albania? There are limited trains in Albania. There is 1 x train per day between Durres and Elbasan on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And there is 1 x train per day between Shkoder and Lac/Gjorme on Tuesday. Railways to Tirana, Vlore, Pogradec are not in operation. Albania has no international passenger trains.
There are very few operational trains within Albania. In this blog post, I will explain exactly which trains are in operation, and which railways are not in use. I will explain where you can check timetables, railway maps and ticket prices for trains in Albania. And I will outline what you can expect when you decide to travel by train in Albania.
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Are there any trains in Albania?
There are 2 x train routes in operation in Albania. There is 1 x train per day between Durres and Elbasan on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only. And sometimes there is 1 x train between Shkoder and Lac/Gjorme on Tuesdays.
- 1 x train per day is in operation between Durres and Elbasan on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
- 1 x train per day is in operation between Shkoder – Lac/Gjorme on Tuesday (some months of the year only).
So in essence, train travel in Albania is very limited. With as little as 4 x operational trains within the entire country per week. Some weeks there may be even less than 4 x operational trains in the entire country.
So why is train travel within Albania’s borders so limited?
The railways and trains were constructed during the communist period in Albania between the End of the Second World War and 1992. However, after the fall of communism in 1992, there has been little investment and little interest in the railways and trains. Therefore, many old railways are visible in the landscape, but not in operation.
The official website of Albanian Railways (Albanian: Hekurudha Shqiptare) will say as much. The website of Albanian Railways explains that the railways were constructed between 1947 and 1987. And that was the period that Albania was a communist country.
“The construction of a railway system began in 1947 and continued rapidly to reach its current size of 667 km in 1987.” Quote from Albanian Railways (Albanian: Hekurudha Shqiptare)
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- Search bus timetables for Albania.
- Find direct and indirect bus routes.
- Find bus terminals on Google Maps.
- Ticket prices, departure times and bus operators.
The website of Albanian Railways goes on to explain that after the fall of communism, Albania’s politics and economy changed. And that people started buying private cars. And that the number of bus services increased. And that therefore there was less traffic and less demand for the trains and the railways.
“With the political and economic changes of the 1990s, transportation demands have changed dramatically. There has been a rapid increase in private truck and bus services, especially in private cars that have diverted traffic from the railways. Many state factories and mines have been closed, reducing rail traffic seriously.” Quote from Albanian Railways (Albanian: Hekurudha Shqiptare)
The limited number of trains in operation in Albania makes train travel unattractive and it is not available on many routes. Therefore, the Albanian people who do not own a private car, always travel by minibus. There is a great number of minibuses available and the prices are very affordable. Trains are barely available and rarely used.
Albanian railway map
When you look at the Albanian railway map below, you will see more railways on the railway map. However, many of these railways are not in operation!
The railways were constructed in Albania during the communist period between the End of the Second World War and 1992. In the communist period, there were trains between Shkoder and Tirana, Tirana and Durres, Durres and Vlore, Durres and Elbasan and Elbasan and Pogradec. However, many of these railways are currently not in operation.
- Shkoder to Lac trains (runs on Tuesdays only, some months of the year)
- Lac to Tirane trains – NOT IN OPERATION
- Tirane to Durres trains – NOT IN OPERATION
- Durres to Vlore trains – NOT IN OPERATION
- Durres to Elbasan trains (runs on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 1 x train per day)
- Elbasan to Pogradec trains – NOT IN OPERATION
Albania train timetable
Below, I have included a copy of the latest Albanian train timetables available.
Train timetable from Elbasan to Durres
There is 1 x train per day from Elbasan to Durres on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The train departs from Elbasan at 6:30 AM and it arrives in Durres at 9:20 AM.
Train timetable from Durres to Elbasan
There is 1 x train per day from Durres to Elbasan on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The train departs from Durres at 14:00 PM and it arrives in Elbasan at 16:50 PM.
The Durres train station is located in the city centre of Durres near the Port of Durres. You can see the location of the Durres train station (in Albanian language: Stacioni i Trenit Durrës) on Google Maps here:
Train timetable from Shkoder to Lac/Gjorme
There is 1 x train per day from Shkoder to Gjorme on Tuesday only. The train departs from Shkoder at 6:00 AM and it arrives in Gjorme at 8:13 AM.
Train timetable from Lac/Gjorme to Shkoder
There is 1 x train per day from Gjorme to Skoder on Tuesday only. The train departs from Gjorme at 12:30 PM and it arrives in Shkoder at 15:13 PM.
Where can you find the Albanian train timetables online?
You can find the Albania train timetables online on the website of Albanian Railways, in the Albanian language: “Hekurudha Shqiptare” or HSH. This is the website address:
You will find the Albania train timetables published on the homepage of the website.
Albania train tickets & train prices
Below you can see the train ticket prices for trains in Albania. Bear in mind that most of these railway routes indicated are not in operation. The only operational trains are between Shkoder and Lac and Durres and Elbasan.
- A train ticket from Durres to Elbasan costs 145 Leke (1.43 euros) per person.
- It is unclear how much a train ticket from Shkoder to Lac costs. A train ticket from Shkoder to Lezhe costs 85 Leke (0.84 euros). Lezhe is the closest destination to Lac, so the best indication of its train ticket pricing.
Albanian railways website
You can find more information about the trains in Albania on the website of Albanian Railways, in the Albanian language: “Hekurudha Shqiptare” or HSH. This is the website address:
You will find the latest train timetables right on the website’s homepage.
Other pages on the website describe renewal plans for the railways in Albania. The website describes how the Albanian government has plans to renew the Tirana-Durres railway and to construct a railway connection to Tirana Airport. It is important to note that right now, no trains are in operation between Tirana and Durres. And Tirana airport does not have a train station or railway connection at the moment.
Does Tirana have a railway station?
Tirana does not have a railway station. Tirana used to have a railway station, but the old railway station was demolished in 2013. It is currently 2023 and now new railway station has been constructed in Tirana.
The old Tirana train station was demolished in 2013. A new boulevard was built in place of the former railway station. Because the railway station was demolished in Tirana, then there was a train that departed from nearby Vore and later from Kashar.
However, currently, there are no trains in operation between Tirana and Durres or Vore/Kashar and Durres. You can only travel between Tirana and Durres by bus, by taxi or by car.
Are there railways in Albania?
There are some railways in Albania. However, most of the railways in Albania are currently visible in the landscape but not in operation.
These old railways were constructed in the period between the end of the Second World War and 1992 when Albania was a communist country. However, since the fall of communism in 1992, there has been little interest and little investment in the railways and trains. As a result, only 0-4 trains operate in the entire country per week.
Railways in Albania that are being used are:
- The railway between Skoder and Lac is in operation. There is 1 x train per week between Shkoder and Lac on Tuesdays (some months out of the year).
- The railway between Durres and Elbasan is in operation. There is 1 x train per day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday only.
Railways in Albania that are NOT in operation:
- The railway between Lac and Tirana is not in operation. There are no trains to or from Tirana, as the train station in Tirana was demolished in 2013.
- The railways between Tirana and Durres is not in operation. There are no trains to or from Tirana, as the train station in Tirana was demolished in 2013.
- The railway between Durres and Vlore is not in operation.
- The railway between Elbasan and Pogradec is not in operation. This is a beautiful railway with tunnels and an impressive railway bridge. You can see the railway and bridge if you drive from Elbasan to Pogradec. However, no trains run on this railway, it is just sitting in the landscape unused.
What are trains like in Albania?
The trains in Albania are old-fashioned. The trains are a reminder of the past in a way. Because the railways and trains in Albania were constructed during the communist regime, the trains are very much related to the past. Since the fall of communism in 1992, there has been little investment in the railways and trains. So the very few trains in Albania that operate today are like they were in the communist period.
Some of the old trains are covered in graffiti. And these trains are operating with the graffiti on the exterior of the train. You can see a picture of this right on the homepage of Albanian Railways ->
Train travel is not a fast and effective way of travelling from A to B in Albania. Due to the current state of the railways and trains, it is quicker to take a minibus, a taxi or a private car. But you could take one of the old trains for the experience. Of course, you would have to time it perfectly, because there is only 1 train per day on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Can you go to Albania by train?
You cannot go to Albania by train from abroad. Because Albania does not have any international passenger trains. Albania’s old railway network is not connected to its neighbouring countries. So there are no trains between Greece and Albania. There are no trains between North Macedonia and Albania. There are no trains between Kosovo and Albania. And there are no passenger trains between Montenegro and Albania.
The main reason is that the railways in Albania were constructed during the communist period. In that period, Albania was isolated from the rest of the world. So the communist regime did not construct international railways, because this very regime was isolating the Albanians from the other countries in the world.
Greece to Albania train
There are no trains from Greece to Albania. There is no railway connecting Greece to Albania. You can only travel from Greece to Albania by private car. Rental cars and taxis usually will bring you to the border and then you would need to find an alternative way of transportation at the other side of the border.
North Macedonia to Albania train
There are no trains from North Macedonia to Albania. There are no railways that cross the border between North Macedonia and Albania. So you would need to travel by car, by taxi or by bus instead.
Tirana to Skopje train
There are no railways and no trains between Tirana and Skopje. Albania does not have international railways crossing the border between Albania and North Macedonia.
In the communist period, there were trains from Tirana to Durres, then from Durres to Elbasan and then from Elbasan to Pogradec. Pogradec is on the shore of Lake Ohrid which is on the border with North Macedonia. However, currently, only the section between Durres and Elbasan is in operation 3 x times per week on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The other sections are not in operation.
Kosovo to Albania train
There are no trains from Kosovo to Albania. There are no railways that connect Kosovo and Albania. So you would need to travel from Kosovo to Albania by private car, by rental car with permission to cross the border, by taxi or by bus.
Montenegro to Albania train
There is a railway between Montenegro and Albania. However, this railway is used for goods transport only. There are no passenger trains from Montenegro to Albania. So you can only travel from Montenegro to Albania by private car, by rental car, by bus or by taxi.
Tirana to Podgorica train
There are no passenger trains between Tirana and Podgorica. Tirana’s railway station was demolished in 2013, and it has not been rebuilt, even though it is currently 2023, so 10 years have passed. The only way to travel from Tirana to Podgorica is by bus, by car or by taxi.
Durres train station
The Durres train station is located in the city centre of Durres near the Port of Durres. You can see the location of the Durres train station (in Albanian language: Stacioni i Trenit Durrës) on Google Maps here:
Durres train timetable
There is 1 x train per day from Durres to Elbasan on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The train departs from Elbasan at 6:30 AM and it arrives in Durres at 9:20 AM. The train departs from Durres at 14:00 PM and it arrives in Elbasan at 16:50 PM.
Durres train tickets
A train ticket from Durres to Elbasan costs 145 Leke (1.43 euros) per person.
Durres to Tirana train
There are no trains in operation between Durres and Tirana. There used to be a railway connecting Durres and Tirana. However, this railway is not currently in operation. On top of that the train station in Tirana was demolished in 2013. It is currently 2023 and the train station in Tirana has not been rebuilt.
According to the website of Albanian Railways (in Albanian: “Hekurudha Shqiptare” or HSH), there are plans to renew the railway between Durres and Tirana. And to make a railway to Tirana airport, which is located between Durres and Tirana.
However, these are merely plans for the future. At the moment, there are no trains between Durres and Tirana. And there is currently no train station in Tirana at all.
Tirana to Durres train
There are no trains from Tirana to Durres. The old railway between Tirana and Durres is not in operation at the moment. There are some plans for the renewal of the railway between Tirana and Durres, but these plans are not a reality at the moment. You can only travel between Tirana and Durres by bus, by taxi or by car.
Durres to Vlore train
There are no trains in operation between Durres and Vlore. In the communist period, a railway was built connecting Durres and Vlore. However, this railway is not in operation right now.
Durres to Shkoder train
There are no trains in operation between Durres and Shkoder. In the communist period, a railway was built that used to connect Durres and Shkoder. However, this route is currently not in operation. Only the section between Shkoder and Lac operated 1 x train per week on Tuesday. But the remainder of the train track does not operate right now.
Durres to Elbasan train
There is 1 x train per day between Durres and Elbasan on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The train departs from Elbasan at 6:30 AM and it arrives in Durres at 9:20 AM. The train departs from Durres at 14:00 PM and it arrives in Elbasan at 16:50 PM.
Tirana to Elbasan train
There is no train from Tirana to Elbasan. In the communist period, there was a railway from Tirana via Durres to Elbasan. However, the train station in Tirana was demolished in 2013. At the time of writing this in 2023, no new train station was built in Tirana. So there are no trains to and from Tirana at all.
On the railway from Durres to Elbasan there is 1 x train per day in operation on Friday, Saturday and Sunday only.
Durres to Berat train
It is not possible to travel by train from Durres to Berat. Berat does not have a train station and there are no railways to Berat. Simply said, there were never any trains to and from Berat.
Tirana to Saranda train
It is not possible to travel by train from Tirana to Saranda. Tirana used to have a train station, but it was demolished in 2013. Up until today, the train station in Tirana has not been rebuilt.
Saranda never had a train station and there are no railways in Saranda. The old communist railways did not go further south than Vlore.
Tirana to Shkoder train
There are no trains in operation between Tirana and Shkoder. In the communist period, a railway was built between Tirana and Shkoder. However, at the moment only the section between Shkoder and Lac operates 1 x train per week on Tuesday only. The section between Lac and Tirana is not in operation.
Tirana’s train station was demolished in 2013. It is currently 2023 and the train station in Tirana has not been rebuilt. Therefore, there are no trains to and from Tirana at all right now.
Shkoder to Tirana train
There is no train in operation between Shkoder and Tirana. There used to be a railway connecting Shkoder and Tirana. However, currently, only the section between Shkoder and Lac is in operation 1 x time per week on Tuesday only. The section from Lac to Tirana is not in operation. Tirana’s train station was demolished in 2013, so train travel to Tirana is not possible at all.
Shkoder to Durres train
There are no trains in operation between Shkoder and Durres. The only train leaving Shkoder is from Shkoder to Lac, which operates 1 x time per week on Tuesdays only. You can only travel from Shkoder to Durres by taxi, by car or by bus.
About me
I am an Albania Tour Guide, who organizes 1-day, 2-day or multiple day private tours in Albania. I arrange your transportation and I am your English speaking guide. So that, you get to experience the most beautiful places in Albania!
Kind regards, Manon
Welcome to Albania!
I am a Tour Guide in Albania
I am an Albania Tour Guide, who organizes 1-day, 2-day or multiple day private tours in Albania.