How to get from Tirana Airport to Golem? Bus, Taxi, Car, Transfer, Shuttle, Train, Prices
If you are flying to Tirana Airport and you are looking for the best way to get from Tirana Airport to Golem, this blog is for you. I will outline how you can get from Tirana Airport to Golem by bus, by taxi or by car.
How to get from Tirana Airport to Golem? You can get from Tirana Airport to Golem by bus, by taxi or by car. No direct bus, you must transfer. Tirana Airport -> Tirana Bus Terminal -> Golem (7 EUR). Tirana Airport -> Durres Bus Terminal -> Plepa Bus Station -> Golem (7 EUR). A taxi costs 40-48 EUR. A rental car is at least 20-25 EUR a day.
In this blog post, I will give you all the information you need to travel from Tirana Airport to Golem. I will outline bus timetables, bus routes, bus transfers, bus stations and bus ticket prices. Furthermore, I will also outline what you can expect to pay for a taxi from Tirana Airport to Golem. And I will compare rental car prices at Tirana Airport. So that you can decide the best way for you to travel from Tirana Airport to Golem.
How to get from Tirana Airport to Golem by bus, by taxi or by car?
You can get from Tirana Airport to Golem by bus, by taxi or by car. Let me give you a quick overview of the best ways to travel from Tirana Airport to Golem.
Tirana Airport to Golem by bus (summary)
- There is no direct bus from Tirana Airport to Golem. So there are 2 options:
- Option 1: Tirana Airport -> Tirana Bus Terminal -> Golem
- Option 2: Tirana Airport -> Durres Bus Terminal -> Plepa Bus Station -> Golem
- If you travel via the Tirana Bus Terminal, you pay 4 EUR for a bus ticket to the Tirana Bus Terminal and 3 EUR for a bus ticket to Golem.
- If you travel via the Durres Bus Terminal, you pay 6 EUR for a bus ticket to the Durres Bus Terminal, 0.40 EUR to the Plepa Bus Station and 0.60 EUR to Golem.
- More detailed bus information including bus timetables and routes can be found below.
Tirana Airport to Golem by taxi (summary)
- A taxi from Tirana Airport to Golem will cost you around 40-48 euros.
- The Tirana Airport Taxi Service charges 40 EUR for a taxi from Tirana Airport to Kavaje. Kavaje is very close to Golem. So 40 EUR is reasonable for a taxi to Golem.
- Merr Taxi Service charges 48 EUR for a taxi from Tirana city to Kavaja, which is near Golem. So 48 EUR is reasonable for a taxi from Tirana city to Golem.
- Taxis from Tirana Airport to Durres may cost you 30-35 EUR, but Golem beach is further to the South than Durres Beach.
Tirana Airport to Golem by car (summary)
- A basic rental car at Tirana airport will cost you at least 20-25 EUR a day.
- Of course, car rental rates are higher in July and August, due to the tourist season.
- Tirana Airport and Golem are well connected via the SH2 highway.
- It will take you approximately 50 minutes to drive from Tirana Airport to Golem. But traffic can block the roads alongside the Durres coastline in the summer months and it will slow your journey down.
- Below you will find a price comparison of rental car prices at Tirana Airport.
Tirana Airport to Golem by train (summary)
- There is no train between Tirana Airport and Golem.
- As of 2024, a new railway is under construction between Tirana, Tirana Airport and Durres. However, this railway is not finished yet. Perhaps it will open in 2025.
- That being said, the railway would not bring you to Golem. So you would still need to take a bus/taxi from Durres to Golem.
- Train travel within Albania’s borders is very limited with around 2-4 trains operating in the entire country per week. Therefore, bus travel is the only public transportation available on many routes.
Download the Albania Bus Timetable App
Is there a bus from Tirana Airport to Golem?
There is no direct bus from Tirana Airport to Golem. So it is possible to travel from Tirana Airport to Golem by bus, but you must transfer buses.
Because there is no direct bus from Tirana Airport to Golem, you can choose from 2 possible routes. You can either travel from Tirana airport to the Tirana Bus Terminal and then get on a bus to Golem. Or you can travel from Tirana airport to Durres and then transfer buses to Golem.
These are your bus route options from Tirana Airport to Golem:
- Option 1: Tirana airport to Tirana Bus Terminal + Tirana Bus Terminal to Golem
- Option 2: Tirana airport to Durres Bus Terminal + Bus from Durres to Golem (more complicated!)
Let me give you the timetables and bus routes for each bus route option below.
Tirana airport to Golem by bus via Tirana Bus Terminal
Because there is no direct bus from Tirana airport to Golem, you could travel via the Tirana Bus Terminal.
- Step 1: Bus from Tirana airport to Tirana Bus Terminal
- Step 2: Bus from Tirana Bus Terminal to Golem
First, take a bus from Tirana airport to Tirana and ask the bus driver to drop you off at the “Tirana Bus Terminal North and South Albania”. Officially, the bus from Tirana airport to Tirana centre does not stop at this bus terminal, but it is “en route”. So you can definitely ask, and most likely the bus driver will stop for you at the Tirana Bus Terminal North and South Albania.
Buses from Tirana airport to Tirana depart every hour, 24 hours a day. So you can get on the bus at 1 AM, 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM, 5 AM, 6 AM, 7 AM, 8 AM, 9 AM, 10 AM, 11 AM, 12 PM, 13 PM, 14 PM, 15 PM, 16 PM, 17 PM, 18 PM, 19 PM, 20 PM, 21 PM, 22 PM, 23 PM and 24 PM. A bus ticket from Tirana airport to Tirana costs 400 LEK (4 EUR) per person. You can pay cash with the bus driver upon boarding the bus. You can now also reserve a bus ticket online on the website of Luna Travel, the bus operator.
Once the bus driver drops you off at the Tirana Bus Terminal North and South Albania, you must look for the bus to Kavaja. The bus from the Tirana Bus Terminal drives via Golem to Kavaje. So ask the bus driver to drop you off at Golem.
Buses from the Tirana Bus Terminal via Golem to Kavaje depart at 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 13:30 PM, 14:00 PM, 15:00 PM and 17:00 PM. Simply ask the bus driver to drop you off at Golem. It will take roughly 1 hour by bus to get from Tirana to Golem, depending on traffic of course.
A bus ticket from Tirana to Golem will cost you 300 LEK (3 EUR) per person. You are expected to pay cash to the bus driver. You cannot book this bus ticket online or pay by card.
Download the Albania Bus Timetable App
Tirana airport to Golem by bus via Durres Bus Terminal
Because there is no direct bus from Tirana airport to Golem, you would need to transfer buses.
The second option is to travel from Tirana airport to Golem via the Durres Bus Terminal and the Plepa Bus Station. Although Durres is closer to Golem, there are two different bus terminals. And you would need to go from the Durres Bus Terminal to the Plepa Bus Station in order to get on the bus to Golem. So it is more complicated. And involves 3 x bus transfers.
- Step 1: Tirana airport to Durres Bus Terminal by bus
- Step 2: Durres Bus Terminal to Plepa Bus Station by bus
- Step 3: Plepa Bus Station to Golem by bus
First, take the direct bus from Tirana airport to Durres. Buses from Tirana airport to Durres depart at 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 14:00 PM, 15:30 PM, 17:00 PM, 19:00 PM and 21:00 PM. A bus ticket from Tirana airport to Durres costs 600 LEK (6 EUR) per person. You are expected to pay cash with the bus driver upon boarding the bus.
The bus from Tirana airport to Durres will drop you off at the Durres Bus Terminal, which is in the city centre of Durres to the North of the Port of Durres. You can see the location of the Durres Bus Terminal on Google Maps here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/o68si7A89QwtmofH6
Attention, you will not find a bus from Durres to Golem at the Durres Bus Terminal. Because buses from Durres to Golem actually depart from a different bus terminal called “Plepa Bus Station”, which is located further south. You can see the location of the Plepa Bus Station on Google Maps here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/nWWRKLSk6F46WTGP6
Therefore, you can take a local city bus from Durres city to Plepa, which will bring you to the Plepa Bus Station. The bus ticket from Durres city centre to Plepa Bus Station costs 40 LEK (0.40 EUR) per person. The bus from Durres city to the Plepa Bus Station departs here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ExxqAg2JCLrn654y6
Once you are at the Plepa Bus Station, you can get on a bus from Durres to Golem. A bus ticket from Durres to Golem costs 60 LEK (0.60 EUR) per person.
Alternatively, you could simply take a taxi from the Durres Bus Station to Golem Beach, which would mean you avoid two bus transfers.
How much is a taxi from Tirana Airport to Golem?
A taxi from Tirana Airport to Golem will cost you around 40-48 euros. Below I have added a price comparison of what taxi companies charge for a taxi from Tirana Airport to Golem.
- The Tirana Airport Taxi Service charges 40 euros for a taxi from Tirana Airport to Kavaja. Kavaja is very close to Golem. So you can expect to pay around 40 euros for a taxi from Tirana Airport to Golem.
- Merr Taxi Tirana charges 48 euros for a taxi from Tirana city to Kavaje. Kavaje is very close to Golem. So you can expect to pay around 48 euros for a taxi from Tirana city to Golem.
- The Tirana Airport Taxi Service charges 30-35 euros for a taxi from Tirana Airport to Durres. However, Golem is a bit further to the South than Durres city or Durres Beach. Therefore, 40 euros would be reasonable.
The UBER taxi app does not exist in Albania. The easiest way to get taxi prices is to contact taxi companies like Tirana Airport Taxi, Merr Taxi, Speed Taxi, Green Taxi or Lux Taxi via WhatsApp. You will get a price quotation in minutes.
Some taxi apps exist for Albania, like Speed Taxi App or UPs Taxi App for instance. However, these taxi apps charge regular taxi prices. Not reduced rates like UBER taxi.
How to get from Tirana Airport to Golem by car?
You can rent a car at Tirana Airport and drive from Tirana airport to Golem. A rental car at Tirana airport will cost you at least 20-25 euros per day for the most basic rental car available. Of course, rental car rates are much higher in July and August due to the tourist season.
There is a helpful list of car rental companies on the website of Tirana Airport. You can find mobile numbers and email addresses for all the car rental companies at Tirana Airport. I highly recommend that you reach out to several car rental companies at Tirana Airport before you travel to get a good deal.
To give you an insight into what it would cost to rent a basic rental car, I did reach out to several car rental companies at Tirana Airport.
Tirana Airport car rental prices (starting from):
- Albania Airport Rent a Car charges 20 euros per day for a manual Skoda Fabia from 2018.
- Avis Rent a Car Tirana Airport charges 20 euros per day for a manual Opel Corsa or 25 euros per day for an automatic Opel Corsa.
- Pepa Rent a Car Tirana Airport charges 20 euros per day for an economy car, like a Skoda.
- RCA Rent a Car in Albania Tirana Airport charges 15 euros per day for a small manual car, like a Mitsubishi Spacestar or Citroen C1 or Peugeot 108.
- Green Motion Rent Car Tirana Airport charges 15 euros per day for the economy category. It can be an Opel Corsa or Dacia Sandero or Skoda Fabia.
- Viaggia Rent Tirana Airport charges 18 euros per day for a manual Fiat Panda from 2023.
- ARA Auto Rental Tirana Airport charges 17 euros per day for a small manual car or 20 euros per day for an automatic car. Brands like Citroen or Peugeot are available.
- G Rentals Tirana Airport charges 20 euros per day for a Dacia Stepway.
- Sixt Car Rental Tirana Airport charges 15 euros per day for a Mitsubishi Space Star.
Of course, it is important to bear in mind that car rental rates can be a lot higher in the tourist high season. The summer months like July and August are the top of the high season, so car rental can be a lot pricier. Especially, since the basic or cheap rental car may not be available anymore and only a more luxurious and expensive car is available.
Do reach out to several car rental companies before you travel. I have spoken to tourists who paid 50-70 euros a day for a rental car. So it is best to do your research before you travel.
IMPORTANT! Driving in Albania can be challenging for a foreigner. The Albanian drivers do have a chaotic and sometimes aggressive style of driving. So if you have any doubts about driving, do not do it! Hire a taxi, book a tour or travel by bus instead. Safety comes first.
Is there a train from Tirana airport to Golem?
There is no train from Tirana Airport to Golem.
At the time of writing this blog post (at the end of 2024), a new railway is under construction between Tirana, Tirana Airport and Durres. However, this railway is not in operation yet. In the future, perhaps in 2025, you might be able to take a train from Tirana Airport to either Durres or Tirana.
However, this railway won’t bring you to Golem. So you would still need to take a bus or taxi from Durres to Golem.
Train travel within Albania’s borders is very limited. At the moment, there are only 2-3 trains per week in operation between Durres and Elbasan. And only 1 x train per week between Shkoder and Lac. These are old fashioned and slow trains that remain from the communist period in Albania. That being said, the majority of railways visible in the landscape are currently not in use, due to a lack of investment and maintenance.
How to get from Tirana Airport to Golem by shuttle?
There is no direct bus or shuttle from Tirana Airport to Golem. Tirana airport only offers direct shuttle buses to Tirana, Durres, Shkoder, Vlore and Fier.
If you want to get from Tirana Airport to Golem, you can take a bus from Tirana Airport to the Tirana Bus Terminal North and South Albania and then transfer onto a bus to Kavaje/Golem to get to Golem.
How far is Golem from the airport?
Golem is about 44 kilometers from Tirana Airport. It will take you around 50 minutes to drive from Tirana Airport to Golem via the SH2 highway that connects Tirana-Tirana Airport-Durres. Of course, you must consider that traffic along the coastline between Durres and Golem can be heavy as many people from Tirana will try to get to the beaches and this may slow your journey down.
What is the distance from Tirana airport to Golem?
The distance from Tirana airport to Golem is 44 kilometers. It will take you roughly 50 minutes to drive from Tirana airport to Golem by car via the SH2 highway, depending on traffic.
How to get from Tirana to Golem?
You can get from Tirana to Golem by bus, by car or by taxi. There are no trains on this route. Let me give you a quick overview of the best ways to get from Tirana to Golem.
Tirana to Golem by bus
- Take a bus from Tirana via Golem to Kavaje and ask the bus driver to drop you off at Golem.
- Buses depart from the Tirana Bus Terminal North and South Albania, which is outside the city centre. So take a short taxi ride or short bus ride to get to the bus terminal.
- Once you get to the bus terminal, you can get on a bus from Tirana via Golem to Kavaje. These buses depart at 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 13:30 PM, 14:00 PM, 15:00 PM and 17:00 PM. Simply ask the bus driver to drop you off at Golem.
- A bus ticket from Tirana to Golem costs 300 LEK (3 EUR) per person. You must pay cash in person.
Tirana to Golem by taxi
- A taxi from Tirana to Golem will cost you between 40-48 euros.
- Of course, taxi prices vary between taxi companies.
Tirana to Golem by car
- A basic rental car at Tirana airport will cost you at least 20-25 EUR a day.
- Of course, car rental rates are higher in July and August, due to the tourist season.
- Tirana and Golem are well connected via the SH2 highway.
- It will take you approximately 60 minutes to drive from Tirana to Golem. But traffic can block the roads alongside the Durres coastline in the summer months and it will slow your journey down.
What is the distance from Tirana to Golem?
The distance from Tirana to Golem is roughly 50 kilometers. It will take you approximately 1 hour to drive from Tirana via the SH2 highway to Durres and onwards to Golem. Of course, there will be heavy traffic on the coastal road near Durres in the summer months, which may slow your journey down.
- Tirana to Golem distance – The distance from Tirana to Golem is 50 kilometers.
Related Questions
How much is a taxi from Tirana Airport to the city? A taxi from Tirana Airport to Tirana city costs 22 euros. This is the price of the official Tirana Airport Taxi Service operated by Auto Holiday Albania. Other taxi companies will offer comparable rates.
Is there a train from Tirana Airport to the city? There is a train and railway under construction between Tirana Airport and Tirana city. However, as the new Tirana-Tirana Airport-Durres railway is still being built, right now there is no train in operation yet between Tirana Airport and the city. Perhaps in 2025 the new railway will be finished.
How to get from Tirana Airport to Durres? You can get from Tirana Airport to Durres by taxi, by bus or by car. A taxi from Tirana Airport to Durres costs 30-35 EUR. There is a direct bus from Tirana Airport to Durres which costs 600 LEK (6 EUR) per person, and departs at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 15:30, 17:00, 19:00 and 21:00.
How to get from Tirana bus station to Airport? You can get from the Tirana bus station North and South Albania to Tirana airport by taking a bus in the direction of Fushe Kruje. Attention, there are two buses from the bus station to Fushe Kruje, you must take the one that drives via Rinas, which is the village where Tirana Airport is located. Buses operate between 7AM and 17:00 every hour, on the hour.
How to get from Shkoder to Tirana Airport? There is a direct bus from Shkoder to Tirana Airport. The bus departs from Shkoder at 7:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 14:00 PM and 16:00 PM. A bus ticket costs 1000 LEK (10 EUR) per person. Buses depart from the Hermes Airport ticket office in Shkoder.
How to get from Tirana Airport to Vlore? You can get from Tirana Airport to Vlore by bus, by taxi or by car. A taxi from Tirana Airport to Vlore costs 110 EUR. There is a direct bus from Tirana Airport to Vlore which departs at 00:45 AM, 03:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:15. A bus ticket costs 12-15 EUR.
Tirana Airport Bus – There are direct buses from Tirana airport to Tirana city, Durres, Vlore, Shkoder and Fier. You cannot book your bus ticket in advance, you must pay in cash with the bus driver. Buses depart from the Tirana Airport parking area. Bus tickets cost 4-15 EUR.

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